Book Chapters (In Press)
Complicated conversations? Decolonising a psychology of education teaching curriculum for pre-service teachers
Lynam, A. M., Ehiwe, L., Mc Guckin, C., McCarthy, P., & Fitzgerald, G. Complicated conversations: Decolonising psychology of education. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Education matters: Ireland’s yearbook of education. Dublin, Ireland: Education Matters.
Available here.
Unlearning colonial perspectives in psychology of education for initial teacher education (ITE)
Lynam, A. M., Ehiwe, L., Mc Guckin, C., McCarthy, P., & Fitzgerald, G. (in press). Unlearning colonial perspectives in psychology of education. In A. Lynam & C. Mc Guckin (Eds), Contemporary issues in psychology of education. Location: IGI Publishers.
Available here.
Creating inclusive schools for migrant children in Ireland
Zheng, B., Lynam, A. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (in press). Creating inclusive schools: Enhancing educational opportunities for migrant and refugee children in Ireland. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Education matters: Ireland’s yearbook of education. Dublin, Ireland: Education Matters.
Available here.
Foundations of Universal Design (UD) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for teachers
Mc Carthy, P., Quirke, M., Mc Guckin, C. Foundational principles of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning. In J. Banks (Ed.), Authentically inclusive education through Universal Design for Learning: Multidisciplinary examples from the secondary classroom. London: Routledge.
Available here.