Book Chapters (Published)
Scoping review: Peer-mediated Lego play for reducing anxiety in children with and without autism
Choy, W. -w. S., Mc Guckin, C., & Twomey, M. (2024). Effectiveness of peer-mediated Lego® play for reducing anxiety in children aged 4 to 6 years with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder: A scoping review. In S. Adeyemi (Ed.), Learning disabilities in the 21st century: Improving students achievements (pp. 15-32). London: ProudPen. DOI: 10.51432/978-1-914266-00-3-2 (ISBN: 978-1-914266-00-3).
Available here.
Childminding’s role in early childhood education and care
Moran, S., Lynam, A., & Mc Guckin, C. (2024). Childminding’s role in early childhood education and care. Creating societal awareness. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Ireland’s education yearbook 2023 (pp. 109-113). Dublin, Ireland: Education Matters. (ISBN: 978-0-9956987-7-2).
Available here.
Discussing grief support in Irish schools
Lynam, A., & Mc Guckin, C. (2024). ‘Children come to school with more than the bags on their back’. Discussing grief support in Irish schools. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Ireland’s education yearbook 2023 (pp. 177-180). Dublin, Ireland: Education Matters. (ISBN: 978-0-9956987-7-2).
Available here.
Bronfenbrenner and Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A tale of two theories of inclusion
Quirke, M., Ren, K., & Mc Guckin, C. (2024). Bronfenbrenner and Universal Design – A tale of two theories for inclusion. In G. Niolaki, K. Carr-Fanning, & A. Terzopoulos (Eds), Psychology and educational inclusion: Identifying and supporting learners with SEN (1st Edn). Open University Press. (ISBN: 033525179X – 9780335251797).
Available here.
Cyberbullying: contemporary interventions
Espino, E., Mora-Merchan, J. A., del Rey, R., & Mc Guckin, C. (2024). Cyberbullying interventions for victims and bullies: Contemporary approaches. In A. N. M. Leung, K. K. S. Chan, C. S. M. Ng, & J. C.-K. Lee (Eds), Cyberbullying and values education: Implications for family and school education (1st ed.) (pp. 104-121). London: Routledge. DOI: (ISBN: 978-1-032-32329-9 [hbk], 978-1-032-32330-5 [pbk], 978-1-003-31450-9 [ebk]).
Available here.
Using qualitative research methods in education
Lynam, A., Kelly, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2022). Using qualitative research methods in education research. In D. Fahie & S. Bergin (Eds.), Doing research in education: A beginner’s guide (pp. 64-81). University College Dublin Press. (ISBN: 978-1-910820-81-0-pb).
Available here.
School bullying: A problem for everyone in the community
Quintana-Orts, C., Mc Guckin, C., Del Rey, R., & Mora-Merchán, J. A. (2022). Overcoming bullying in education. In K. Sheehy & A. J. Holliman (Eds.), Overcoming adversity in education (pp. 102-113). England: Routledge / Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.4324/9781003180029-10 (ISBN: 978-1-032-01775-4 [hbk], 978-1-032-01778-5 [pbk], 978-1-003-18002-9 [ebk]).
Available here.
Applying Positive Psychology from a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Perspective
Mc Guckin, C., Quirke, M., & McCarthy, P. (2023). Positive solution. In A. Giraldez-Hayes & J. Burke (Eds), Applied positive school psychology (pp. 192-199). London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003228158-24 (ISBN: 978-1-032-13205-1[hbk], 978-1-032-13206-8 [pbk], 978-1-003-22815-8 [ebk]).
Available here.
Social competence: Using mixed reality with a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lens
Wang, X., Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2022). The importance of social competence for 21st century citizens: The use of mixed reality for social competence learning in mainstream education. In A. Correia & V. Viegas (Eds), Methodologies and use cases on extended reality for training and education (pp. 242-268). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3398-0.ch010 (ISBN13: 9781668433980; ISBN10: 1668433982; EISBN13: 9781668434000; ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668433997).
Available here.
Theory of Change: How to use it a both theory and method in educational research
Ren, K., & Mc Guckin, C. (2022). Using Theory of Change as both theory and method in educational research. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
Available here.
Ethical research: The “Inclusion as Process” method
Quirke, M., Mc Guckin, C., & McCarthy, P. (2022). How to adopt an “inclusion as process” approach and navigate ethical challenges in research. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
Available here.
“Additional needs”: How do we translate the jargon of research?
O’Síoráin, C. A., Mc Guckin, C., & Carr-Fanning, K. (2021). Well that’s another fine mess you got me into. The jargon of research (how do we translate this for the participant with additional needs?). In A. Fox, H. Busher, & C. Capewell (Eds), Thinking critically and ethically about research for education (1st Edn) (pp. 40-53). London: Routledge. DOI: eBook ISBN9781003094722
Available here.
Who’s minding you? Teaching for diverse learning needs
Mc Guckin, C., & O’Síoráin, C. A. (2021). The professional self and diverse learning needs. In S. Soan (Ed.), What do teachers need to know about diverse learning needs? Strengthening professional identity and well-being (pp. 15-32). London: Bloomsbury Academic. (ISBN: 9781350083196).
Available here.
Digital pedagogy, Universal Design (UD), and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Caldwell, H., Whewell, E., Devecchi, C., Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2021). Towards a digital pedagogy of inclusive active distance learning. In S. Studente, S. Ellis, & B. Desai (Eds.), The impact of Covid-19 on teaching and learning in higher education (pp. 23-51). Series: Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World. New York: Nova Science Publishers. (ISBN: 978-1-53619-947-5). Available at:
Available here.
Educated and work ready: Transition to work for students with an intellectual disability
Shevlin, M., Kubiak, J., O’Donovan, M-A., Devitt, M., Ringwood, B., Aston, D., & Mc Guckin, C. (2020). Effective practices for helping students transition to work. In U. Sharma & S. Salend (Eds), The encyclopedia of inclusive and special education. Print: Oxford: Oxford University Press; Online: Oxford: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. DOI:
Available here.
Cyberbullying in childhood
Mc Guckin, C., & Corcoran, L. (2020). Cyberbullying in childhood. In S. Hupp & J. Jewell (Eds), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development (Community in Childhood: Aggression and Bullying). London: John Wiley & Sons Inc. (ISBN [Print]: 9781119161899; [Online]: 9781119171492). DOI: 10.1002/9781119171492.wecad284
Available here.
Transitions through the education system – The role of professionals
Mc Guckin, C. (2019). Transitions through the education system: From primary school to higher education – The role of the professional. In G. Scanlon, Y. Barnes-Holmes, M. Shevlin, & C. Mc Guckin (Eds.), Transition for pupils with Special Educational Needs: Implications for inclusion practice and policy (pp. 97-118). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang Ltd. (ISBN: 978-1-78707-971-7). DOI: 10.3726/431873E
Available here.
Authentic listening to the ‘voice’ of experience in teaching pupils with autism
O’Síoráin, C., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2018). Discovering gems: Authentic listening to the ‘voice’ of experience in teaching pupils with autism. In B. Mooney (Ed.), Education matters: Ireland’s yearbook of education (pp. 171-175). Dublin, Ireland: Education Matters. (ISBN: 978-0-9956987-2-7)
Available here.
Experiences of children with ASD in education
Bell, S., Devecchi, C., Mc Guckin, C., & Shevlin, M. (2018). Making the transition to post-secondary education: opportunities and challenges experienced by students with ASD in the Republic of Ireland. In M. R. Coleman & M. Shevlin (Eds.), Postsecondary educational opportunities for students with special education needs (pp. 55-72) London and New York: Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group. (ISBN: 978-0-81536406-1)
Available here.
Case studies of inclusive educators and leaders
O’Síoráin, C. A., Twomey, M., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2018). Doing things right or doing the right things: The case of inclusion in the Republic of Ireland. In D. Griffiths & J. Ryan (Eds.), Case studies of inclusive educators & leaders (pp. 239-253). Canada: Word & Deed Publishing. (ISBN-10: 0991862635, ISBN-13: 978-0991862634.
Available here.
Normative bereavement support in Irish schools
Lynam, A. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2018). A case for developing normative bereavement support through the SPHE curriculum in Irish primary and post-primary schools. In T. Whitaker, A. M. Lynam, K. Buckley, & D. Cassidy (Eds.), Voices of educators in 21st century Ireland. Dublin, Ireland: Hibernia College Dublin.
Available here.
Cyberbullying: From ‘old wine in new bottles’ to robots and artificial intelligence.
Mc Guckin. C., & Corcoran, L. (2018). Cyberbullying: From ‘old wine in new bottles’ to robots and artificial intelligence. In K. Sheehy & A. J. Holliman (Eds.), Education and new technologies: Perils and promises for learners (pp. 213-231). England: Routledge / Taylor and Francis. (ISBN: 978-1-138-18493-0 (hbk), 978-1-138-18494-7 (pbk), 978-1-315-64485-1 (ebk)
Available here.
Coping with cyberbullying
Corcoran, L., & Mc Guckin, C. (2017). Coping with cyberbullying. In C. Mc Guckin & L. Corcoran (Eds.), Bullying and cyberbullying: Prevalence, psychological impacts and intervention strategies (pp. 171-188). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science. ISBN: 978-1-53610-049-5
Available here.
Cyberbullying and beyond
Mc Guckin, C., & Corcoran, L. (2017). From the trenches: Cyberbullying and beyond. In C. Mc Guckin & L. Corcoran (Eds.), Bullying and cyberbullying: Prevalence, psychological impacts and intervention strategies (pp. 1-10). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science. ISBN: 978-1-53610-049-5
Available here.
Prevalence, psychological impacts and intervention strategies
Mc Guckin, C., & Corcoran, L. (2017). Preface. In C. Mc Guckin & L. Corcoran (Eds.), Bullying and cyberbullying: Prevalence, psychological impacts and intervention strategies (pp. vii-viii). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science. ISBN: 978-1-53610-049-5
Available here.
Moving to higher education
Shevlin, M., Mc Guckin, C., Bell, S., & Devecchi, C. (2017). Moving to higher education: Opportunities and barriers experienced by people with disabilities. In T. Fleming, A. Loxley, & F. Finnegan (Eds.), Access and participation in Irish higher education (pp. 159-175). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. (ISBN: 978-1-137-56973-8: ISGN [eBook] 978-1-137-56974-5). doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-56974-5_7
Available here.
Developing creative research methods
Carr-Fanning, K., & Mc Guckin, C. (2017). Developing creative methods for children’s voice research: Potential and pitfalls when constructing verbal and visual methods for research with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd. Online ISBN: 9781473958036 DOI: 10.4135/9781473958036
Available here.
Researching cyberbullying with schools in the digital age
Corcoran, L, & Mc Guckin, C. (2017). Collecting bullying and cyber aggression data with schools in the digital age: Opportunities and challenges of the online approach. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd. DOI: 10.4135/9781473956575
Available here.
The coping with cyberbullying questionnaire
Sticca, F., Machmutow, K., Stauber, A., Perren, S., Palladino, B. E., Nocentini, A., Menesini, E., Corcoran, L., & Mc Guckin, C.(2016). The Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire: Development of a new measure (pp. 190-213). In C. Mc Guckin & L. Corcoran (Eds.), Cyberbullying: Where are we now? A cross-national understanding (Printed edition of the special issue published in Societies). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. (ISBN 978-3-03842-310-2 [Hbk], ISBN 978-3-03842-311-9 [electronic] Reprinted from: Societies 2015, 5(2), 515–536.
Available here.
Cyberbullying or cyber aggression?
Corcoran, L., Mc Guckin, C., & Prentice, G. (2016). Cyberbullying or cyber aggression?: A review of existing definitions of cyber-based peer-to-peer aggression (pp. 1-12). In C. Mc Guckin & L. Corcoran (Eds.), Cyberbullying: Where are we now? A cross-national understanding (Printed edition of the special issue published in Societies). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. (ISBN 978-3-03842-310-2 [Hbk], ISBN 978-3-03842-311-9 [electronic]. Reprinted from: Societies 2015, 5(2), 245–255,
Available here.
Cyberbullying: Where are we now? A cross-national understanding
Mc Guckin, C., & Corcoran, L. (2016). Preface to “Cyberbullying: Where are we now? A cross-national understanding” (pp. XI-XIII). In C. Mc Guckin & L. Corcoran (Eds.), Cyberbullying: Where are we now? A cross-national understanding (Printed edition of the special issue published in Societies). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. (ISBN 978-3-03842-310-2 [Hbk], ISBN 978-3-03842-311-9 [electronic]
Available here.
Anti-Bullying Week 2016 – Individual and social determinants of bullying and cyberbullying
Völlink, T., Dehue, F., & Mc Guckin, C. (2016). Chapter 3: Individual and social determinants of bullying and cyberbullying. (From: Cyberbullying: From theory to intervention) (pp. 46-72). In Routledge Free Book, Understanding bullying: From school to the workplace. London: Routledge.
Available here.
Policing change: Changing police?
Gilbert, P., Lewis, C. A., & Mc Guckin, C. (2016). Police downsizing and change processes in Northern Ireland: Retired police officers’ views on the implementation of the Patten Report on Policing (pp. 189-207). In S. W. Phillips & P. K. Das (Eds.), Change and reform in law enforcement: Old and new efforts from across the globe. New York, Taylor and Francis (ISBN: 9781498741682). doi: 10.1201/9781315369181-11
Available here.
The systematic literature review method
O’Brien, A. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2016). The systematic literature review method: Trials and tribulations of electronic database searching at doctoral level. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd. doi:
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Cyberbullying: A review of intervention and prevention programmes
Mc Guckin, C., & Corcoran, L. (2016). Intervention and prevention programmes on cyberbullying: A review. In R. Navarro, Y. Santiago, & E. Larrañaga (Eds), Cyberbullying across the globe: Gender, family and mental health (pp. 221-238). doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-25552-1 London: Springer International Publishing. (ISBN: 978-3-319-25550-7 [Print] 978-3-319-25552-1 [Online]).
Available here.
Cyberbullying: A critical review of the ICT based interventions
Mc Guckin, C., Völlink, T., & Dehue, F. (2015). Conclusion: A critical review of the ICT based interventions. In T. Völlink, F. Dehue, & C. Mc Guckin (Eds.). Cyberbullying: From theory to intervention. Current issues in social psychology series (pp. 176-189). (series editor: Arjan Bos). London and New York: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-1-848-72339-9 [hbk], 978-1-848-72339-2 [pbk], 978-1-315-68035-4 [ebk]).
Available here.
Cyberbullying research: An introduction
Völlink, T., Dehue, F., Mc Guckin, C., & Jacobs, N. C. L. (2016). An introduction in cyberbullying research. In T. Völlink, F. Dehue, & C. Mc Guckin (Eds.). Cyberbullying: From theory to intervention. Current issues in social psychology series (pp. 3-14). (series editor: Arjan Bos). London and New York: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-1-848-72339-9 [hbk], 978-1-848-72339-2 [pbk], 978-1-315-68035-4 [ebk]).
Available here.
The religious socialisation of young people in Ireland
Mc Guckin, C., Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S., Sheridan, J-P. (2014). The religious socialisation of young people in Ireland. In. J. O’Higgins-Norman (Ed.), Education matters: Readings in pastoral care for school chaplains, guidance counsellors and teachers (pp. 228-245). Dublin: Veritas Publications. (ISBN: 978-1-84730-569-5: ISBN [eBook]: 978-1-84730-743-9).
Available here.
(Dis)ability and choice: The dilemmas of young people’s transitions to further and higher education in Ireland
Scanlon, G., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2014). (Dis)ability and choice: The dilemmas of young people’s transitions to further and higher education in Ireland. In P. Kelly & A. Kamp (Eds.), A critical youth studies for the 21st Century (pp. 105-122). The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV. doi: 10.1163/9789004284036_009 (ISBN13: 9789004243750).
Available here.
Coping with cyberbullying: How can we prevent cyberbullying and how victims can cope with it
Mc Guckin, C., Perren, S., Corcoran, L., Cowie, H., Dehue, F., Ševčíková, A., Tsatsou, P., & Völlink, T. (2013). Coping with cyberbullying: How can we prevent cyberbullying and how victims can cope with it. In P. K. Smith & G. Steffgen (Eds.), Cyberbullying through new media: Findings from an international network (pp. 120-135). Oxfordshire: Psychology Press. (ISBN: 978-1-84872-253-8 [HBK], 978-1-84872-254-5 [PBK], 978-0-203-79907-9 [EBK]).
Available here.
School bullying amongst pupils in Northern Ireland: How many are involved, what are the health effects, and what are the issues for school management?
Mc Guckin, C. (2013). School bullying amongst school pupils in Northern Ireland: How many are involved, what are the health effects, and what are the issues for school management? In A. M. O’Moore & P. Stevens (Eds.), Bullying in Irish education (pp. 40-64). Cork, Ireland: Cork University Press. (ISBN: 978-1-78205-043-8).
Available here.
Bereavement: How Guidance Counsellors can support the grieving student
O’Brien, A. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2013). Bereavement: How Guidance Counsellors can support the grieving student. In National Centre for Guidance in Education (Ed.), The school guidance handbook. Dublin, Ireland, National Centre for Guidance in Education. (ISBN 2009-6801).
Available here.
Countering bully/victim problems in schools: The role of the Guidance Counsellor
Mc Guckin, C., & Corcoran, L. (2013). Countering bully/victim problems in schools: The role of the Guidance Counsellor. In National Centre for Guidance in Education (Ed.), The school guidance handbook. Dublin, Ireland, National Centre for Guidance in Education. (ISBN 2009-6801).
Available here.
School based bullying in Ireland- a cause for concern?: A review of research from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
Mc Guckin, C., Cummins, P., & Lewis, C. A. (2013). School based bullying in Ireland – a cause for concern?: A review of research from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. In C. A. Lewis (Ed.), Ireland: Economic, political and social issues (pp. 121-145). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science. (ISBN 978-1-62257-924-2).
Available here.
How can parents detect, intervene and prevent cyberbullying
O’Moore, M., Samnoen, O., Mc Guckin, C., Crowley, N., Corcoran, L., & Rasmussen, R. H. (2012). How can parents detect, intervene and prevent cyberbullying (Module 3). In T. Jäger (Eds.), New media and cyberbullying: An online course for parents. eBook.
Available here.
Introduction to cyberbullying
Mc Guckin, C., Corcoran, L., Crowley, N., O’Moore, M., Calamaestra, J., del Rey, R., Ortega, R., & Mora-Merchán, J. (2012). Introduction to cyberbullying (Module 2). In T. Jäger (Ed.), New media and cyberbullying: An online course for parents. eBook.
Available here.
Pathways to Trinity: a modelled pre-entry and first year initiative to support disabled students in the process of transition from school to college
Doyle, A. & Mc Guckin, C. (2012). Pathways to Trinity: a modelled pre-entry and first year initiative to support disabled students in the process of transition from school to college. In J. Andrews, R. Clark, & L. Thomas (Eds.) Higher Education Academy (HEA) compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success (pp. 15-20). Aston University, Birmingham, England and Higher Education Academy, York, England (ISBN: 978 1 85449 427 6).
Available here.
Cyberbullying- the situation in Ireland
Mc Guckin, C., O’Moore, M., & Crowley, N. (2011). Cyberbullying – the situation in Ireland. In J. A. Mora-Merchán & T. Jäger (Eds.), Cyberbullying – A cross-national comparison (pp. 189-204). Landau: Verlag Emprische Pädagogik. (ISBN 10: 3941320513; ISBN 13: 978-3941320512).
Available here.
Cyber-training: Working with parents
O’Moore, M., Mc Guckin, C., & Crowley, N. (2011). Cyber-training: Working with parents. In T. Jäger (Ed.), Taking action against cyberbullying. eBook.
Available here.
Cyberbullying: Intervention approaches in Ireland
Mc Guckin, C., O’Moore, M., & Crowley, N. (2011). Cyberbullying: Intervention approaches in Ireland. In T. Jäger (Ed.), Taking action against cyberbullying. eBook.
Available here.
Cyberbullying: The research situation in Ireland
Mc Guckin, C., O’Moore, M., & Crowley, N. (2011). Cyberbullying: The research situation in Ireland. In T. Jäger (Ed.), Taking action against cyberbullying. eBook.
Available here.
Ireland: The teachers’ perspective on goals of religious education
Lewis, C. A., Barnes, L. P., Kieran, P., Cruise, S. M., Francis, L. J., & Mc Guckin, C. (2009). Ireland: The teachers’ perspective on goals of religious education. In H-G. Ziebertz & U. Riegel (Eds.), How teachers in Europe teach religion (pp. 81-97). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 978-3-643-10043-6).
Available here.
The influence of parents on the religious socialisation
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2009). The influence of parents on the religious socialisation. In H-G. Ziebertz, W. K. Kay, & U. Riegel (Eds.), Youth in Europe III: An international empirical study of the significance of religion for life orientation (pp. 87-103). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 978-3-8258-1579-0).
Available here.
Religiosity of female and male adolescents
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2009). Religiosity of female and male adolescents. In H-G. Ziebertz, W. K. Kay, & U. Riegel (Eds.), Youth in Europe III: An international empirical study of the significance of religion for life orientation (pp. 59-86). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 978-3-8258-1579-0).
Available here.
Ireland: Growing up Catholic?
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2009). Ireland: Growing up Catholic? In H-G. Ziebertz & W. K. Kay (Eds.), Youth in Europe II: An international empirical study about religiosity, (2nd ed., pp. 174-191, [tables] 315-321). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 978-3-8258-9941-7).
Available here.
Ireland: Growing up Irish: Life perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2009). Ireland: Growing up Irish: Life perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland. In H-G. Ziebertz & W.K. Kay (Eds.), Youth in Europe I: An international empirical study about life perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 151-164, [tables] 247-251). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 978-3-8258-8718-6).
Available here.
Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity short-form: Test-retest data over one week
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2007). Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity short-form: Test-retest data over one week. In T. C. Lomand, Social science research: A cross section of journal articles for discussion and evaluation (5th ed., pp. 173-175). Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. (ISBN: 1-884585-74-4).
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2006). Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity short-form: Test-retest data over one week. In A. K. Milinki, A cross section of psychological research: Journal articles for discussion and evaluation (2nd ed., pp. 151-153). Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. (ISBN: 1-884585-69-8).
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2006). Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity short-form: Test-retest data over one week. In M. Lopez (Ed.), A cross-section of psychological research: Journal articles for discussion and evaluation (2nd ed., pp. 151-153). Glendale, CA.: Pryczak Publishing. (ISBN-10: 1884585698; ISBN-13: 978-1884585692).
Ireland: Growing up Catholic? Religious perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2006). Ireland: Growing up Catholic? Religious perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland. In H-G. Ziebertz & W. K. Kay (Eds.), Youth in Europe II: An international empirical study about religiosity (pp. 174-191, [tables] 315-321). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 3-8258-9941-1).
Available here.
Ireland: Growing up Irish: Life perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2005). Ireland: Growing up Irish: Life perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland. In H-G. Ziebertz & W. K. Kay (Eds.), Youth in Europe I: An international empirical study about life perspectives (pp. 151-164, [tables] 247-251). Münster, Germany: LIT. (ISBN 3-8258-8718-9).
Available here.
Building bridges over troubled waters: Enhancing pastoral care and guidance
Mc Guckin, C., & Lewis, C. A. (2003). Youth aggression and bullying. In D. Herl & M. L. Berman (Eds.), Building bridges over troubled waters: Enhancing pastoral care and guidance (pp. 215-242). Ohio: Wyndham Hall Press. (ISBN: 1-55605-367-3).
Available here.
The Free Will-Determinism Scale
Lewis, C. A., Shevlin, M., Mc Guckin, C., & Navrátil, M. (2000). The Free Will-Determinism Scale. In J. Maltby, C. A. Lewis, & A. Hill (Eds.), Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests: Volume 1 (pp. 306-309). Wales, U.K.: Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN: 077347452-8).
Available here.
The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire
Lewis, C. A., Shevlin, M., Mc Guckin, C., & Navratil, M. (2000). The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. In J. Maltby, C. A. Lewis, & A. Hill (Eds.), Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests: Volume 1 (pp. 392-397). Wales, U.K.: Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN: 077347452-8).
Available here.
Bullying-Behaviour Scale
Mc Guckin, C., & Lewis, C. A. (2000). Bullying-Behaviour Scale. In J. Maltby, C. A. Lewis, & A. Hill (Eds.), Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests: Volume 2 (pp. 788-791). Wales, U.K.: Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN: 077347454-4).
Available here.
Peer-Victimisation Scale
Mc Guckin, C., & Lewis, C. A. (2000). Peer-Victimisation Scale. In J. Maltby, C. A. Lewis, & A. Hill (Eds.), Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests: Volume 2 (pp. 874-877). Wales, U.K.: Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN: 077347454-4).
Available here.
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