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Gant Chart

By |2015-10-02T11:15:29+01:00October 2nd, 2015|Students|

Whether you believe it or not, most of your daily job as a researcher is about project planning.   A research project does not happen in a linear manner . . . do Chapter One, then Chapter Two, then Chapter Three, etc.   Rather, you will probably be working on parts of many chapters all [...]

R . T . F . M . !!!

By |2015-10-04T15:28:06+01:00May 15th, 2015|Students|

Do you know what R.T.F.M. means? The likelihood is that, if you are registered for a Masters, D.Ed., or PhD, your supervisor will, at some point, reply to a query with . . . R.T.F.M. If you get this reply, it means that you have asked a simple question that you would / should know [...]

Agenda and Recording Minutes and Actions

By |2015-05-15T11:55:44+01:00May 15th, 2015|Students|

Supervision meetings, just like any meeting, should have an Agenda to guide the business of the meeting, and a set of Minutes that record the business of the meeting . . . and importantly . . . any 'Actions' that were agreed by those present. As an independent researcher, you should set most of the Agenda [...]

Planning for the First Supervision Meeting

By |2015-05-15T10:55:25+01:00May 15th, 2015|Students|

In advance of the first supervision meeting, here are a couple of things to think about and consider: You have already submitted a research proposal . . . but you might have changed your mind about some aspect of what you 'committed to paper' a little while ago. This is 'research' - the ideas change [...]

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